Parking Lot and Street Sweeping

We provide parking lot and street sweeping and storm clean up services for businesses and communities in Southern Illinois and Southeast Missouri. We sweep up debris including sediment, trash, and storm debris from all parking lot and roadway surfaces. We will keep your business and community clean, welcoming, and safer from pollutants and flooding.

Improve curb appeal

reduce water pollution

reduce flash flood risk

Service Areas

All of Southern Illinois and Southeast Missouri. Parts of Western Kentucky and Tennessee- Call today to verify!

Fully Licensed and Insured

Locally Owned and Trusted

Adherence to Industry Standards

Excellent Customer Service

Improved Curb Appeal

Curb Appeal: Benefits of Parking Lot and Street Sweeping

You can count on us to deliver quality sweeping services. We take pride in knowing that our quality work serves as the face of your business and strive to maintain its best possible look and feel. Don’t let trash and litter cause your business to look dirty.

Safety: Benefits of Parking Lot and Street Sweeping

Keeping your parking lots and roadways clear of sediment prevents pollutants from mixing with stormwater and causes water quality concerns. According to the EPA, sediment that accumulates on these surfaces can contain toxic chemicals, trace metals, and deicing materials.

Improved Safety

Simple pricing, for everyone.

Our pricing is simply based on your desired frequency of sweeping and how many add-ons (if any) you need. Simply choose your frequency then choose your add ons. Your decision is based upon the traffic of your business and the amount of associated sediment, trash, and other debris.


One sweep every two weeks


One sweep every week

Daily M-F

One sweep every business day


One sweep every day

Custom Packages and Add-Ons

We have custom packages and add-ons for your unique circumstances.

Custom Packages

+ Custom Frequency

+ Add-ons

+ Custom Price


– Snow removal and salt placement

– Storm cleanup

– Trash liner replacement

– Backpack blowing specific locations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is parking lot and street sweeping?

Sweeping involves utilizing a sweeper truck to mechanically sweep and/or vacuum debris from parking lots, roadways, and other surfaces. This debris can include sediment, trash/litter, and storm debris. Smaller surfaces may also require backpack blowing.

What are the benefits of parking lot and street sweeping as outlined by the EPA?

Failure to remove debris from parking lots and roadways can lead to it running off in stormwater and causing water quality concerns. Read more:

How affordable is parking lot and street sweeping?

We have competitive pricing packages for every need whether routine or custom! Call today and ask about our special discount offers!

Will parking lot and street sweeping interfere with my daily operations?

We provide parking lot and roadway sweeping services around the clock so we can work around your busy schedule! We can sweep when you are closed or have low-traffic.

Are there more long term benefits of parking lot or street sweeping?

Yes, keeping sediment and debris off of your parking lot or roadway surface will reduce future maintenance and repair requirements.

Need further assistance?

Contact us now for more information or to get started with your sweeper services!